
Spring Sale
* Dogform Sale is on wrapping jackets in lycra, satin and brocade as well as fleece jumpers, flannel pajamas and topknot pillows.

Over 175 *NEW* Items
* Over 170 new dog bows in the 7/8, Specialty and Fabric collections available in 18 colors.
* 3 new satin fabrics in the Sport wrapping jacket collection
* 3 new flannel fabrics in the Pajamas collection
* 3 new satin fabrics in the Topknot Pillows collection

Lycra Velvet Collection
Dogform's Lycra Velvet Collection is almost all gone! There is one size SMALL jacket and a topknot pillow left in the "Red Diamonds Glitter" velvet discounted at 25% off and the "Brown & Gold Cheetah" velvet - Click on pic below to view the collection.